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ML Hub Engagement Pre-Questionairre

The goal of this form is to better understand your progress on your journey to AI for us to best collaborate. The ML Hub develops Proofs of Concept (POC) through hands-on workshops at our labs around the world, offers machine learning and AI webinars, and provides various other resources. 
3. What location are you interested in visiting?
5. How familiar is your organization with Machine Learning (ML)?
6. Have you implemented ML into your organization before?
8. Are you interested in (select all that apply)
Frame the Problem

While some organizations come up with multiple use cases, others struggle with identifying an ML use case. Whether you have one or many challenges, it is important to focus on a challenge that is ML APPLICABLE, FEASIBLE, has LOW COST and HIGH IMPACT.

This section is to give us a high level understanding about the use case. The meeting will be arranged to discuss the details and determine feasibility and impact.

11. If known, what type of ML is relevant to this use case? (Select all that apply)
Data, Resources, and Tools
12. Do you have data?
16. Which of the following does your organization have, which can be dedicated to this engagement?
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
18. Please provide two email addresses where we can best reach you