Configuring the batch container

Follow these steps to configure the properties of the batch container

About this task

You configure the batch container with the batchcontainer-config.xml file. This configuration file defines how to connect to the Job scheduler and the names of the batch applications to be published.

By default CICS® searches for the batchcontainer-config.xml file in the directory that is named by the CICS JVMPROFILEDIR SIT parameter. You can specify a different location and file name with the flag. For example:


  1. Copy the file batchcontainer-config.xml from <install root>/batchfp/samples/config into your JVMProfile directory.
  2. Open the copied file in your editor.
  3. Change all occurrences of CICSHOST to the TCP/IP host name on which CICS accepts HTTP requests.
    This host name must be resolved by the WebSphere® Application Server Job Scheduler and must be fully qualified.
  4. Change CICSPORT to the TCP/IP port number on which CICS accepts HTTP requests.
  5. Change CGHOST to the value for the WAS_ND_Host_Name.
  6. Change CGPORT to the value for the WAS_ND_Port .
  7. Change CGCELL/NODE/SERVER to the WAS_ND_Cell/WAS_ND_Node/WAS_ND_Name. For example: ibm-dij54f60ch8Node01Cell/ibm-dij54f60ch8Node01/server1
  8. If the job scheduler requires inbound HTTP requests secured with SSL, change the BatchContainerProperties > security-enabled setting to true.
  9. If the job scheduler requires SSL client authentication, you can specify the label of the X.509 certificate that is used as the SSL client certificate during the SSL handshake by appending an additional certificate property after the security-enabled property. For example, <certificate>MYCERT</certificate>. If this attribute is omitted, the default certificate that is defined in the key ring for the CICS region is used. The certificate must be stored in a key ring in the external security manager database. For more information, see Building a key ring manually.
  10. Save your changes.

What to do next

To aid troubleshooting, you can enable trace for the batch container by changing the logging level that is set in the batch containers configuration file. The most detailed trace level is ALL. A change in trace level is picked up during the next batch heartbeat, which could be up to 30 seconds after the configuration file is updated.